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Scam Broker Tactics And Its After Effects

Sales approaches of renowned forex brokers and investment firms are being mimicked by forex trading scams. Therefore, identifying the legitimate forex brokers prove to be a challenge when matching it with the fake forex brokers list. Reaching a real broker and a scam broker is identical whether it be through email, a phone call, mail, or referral. Neglect to a background check at your own risk. Below are the common pitfalls when contracted by scam brokers.


Forex brokers are not exempted from the most archetypal method a seller reaches out to prospects. Cold calls from a broker from the fake forex brokers list or investment firms is a possibility. They could possibly offer lucrative and too-good-to-be-true offers that you can not resist.


Another method scam forex brokers use is email. They send you a lot of emails pitching their offers. You can differentiate the legitimate ones from the scam ones by cross-referencing their names with the regulatory body.


This is similar to email, but this entices you to gain money overnight via their pitch. I repeat again, you may cross-reference their names with that of the regulatory body to identify the scam brokers.


This is for the scam forex brokers that want to take it up a notch to swindle the trader by spending money for ad space on magazines and newspapers. These brokers think they are so smart by psychologically manipulating you by coming to them instead of them coming to you via call. Before investing, investigate the advertisement.


As the old adage goes, ‘birds of a feather flock together. This scam revolves around the broker tricking you into inviting your friends and family due to the huge referral bonus you will receive for every successful referral you make. The trader will go out in the world and advertise the number of profits they gained in order to convince the poor soul into starting trading. The vicious cycle continues after that with other people. It will create a chain network.

Reputable Business

Purportedly real forex trading scams exist. They establish realistic and posh offices, professionally decorate the place, and introduce themselves as a respectful investment firm. If they were rolling in their previous forex scam in terms of profits, they may consider sponsoring the local charity to boost their reputation.

Debunking their identity may prove to be a challenge at this point if their name is on the list of forex scams. What you can do is check how long their business has run for and their financial statements. Don’t forget to look at their business permits, too. Furthermore, you may check the details of each individual in the business from the database of multiple sources.

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